Who I Am
My name is Ralitsa and i am a certified White Tiger Qigong instructor. I acquired all my knowledge from Master Tevia Feng.
Qigong crossed my path when I was passing through some rough times. A happily married mom of two with a great corporate career, I couldn't believe that I was diagnosed with a generalized anxiety disorder shortly after the death of my father. I never knew what does fear mean and therefore it was very difficult for me to control all physical symptoms that happened to me. The worst were the chronic neck pain and the vertigo that put me in the bed for several months.
Then, I started practicing White Tiger Qigong. And only for 6 months I developed body awareness, I got rid of all physical pain and learned how to release negative emotions.
My mission as a Qigong instructor is to help and support all people whose bodies have become a stress provider and make them suffer from physical pain.
Shen Medical Qigong is a place for physical relief and emotional balance!